9 Mar
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Phillip’s Top Ten

I received an email from Phillip Moffitt over the weekend that included a list of Ten Values Associated with Well-Being, which he has used to help top level managers identify their core values and become more effective in their leadership roles.

I’m simplifying the text here–except for number 5, which I am quoting in full because somehow that one really jumped out at me. (Especially the part about driving in traffic!)

You can read Phillip’s full text on his DharmaWisdom website. (click here)


Ten Values for Well-Being

1. Be truthful.

2. Be genuine and authentic.

3. Be kind.

4. Be especially compassionate to those having difficulty.

5. Act and make choices in terms of relatedness. Know that you are part of something larger. For example, when you are driving in heavy traffic, know that you are part of the traffic and not separate from it. Or, in the workplace, maintain an awareness that you are dependent on others and others are dependent on you. Having a sense of your connection to others breaks the aloneness that’s part of our existential quandary as human beings.

6. Honor your own creativity.

7. Primarily spend time on areas you care about.

8. Continue to learn and grow.

9. Be present.

10. Take responsibility for your body.


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