Attention: Broad and Open, Like a Loop

I won’t be leading DharmaTown’s Tuesday Night Insight Group next week (June 2) because I’ll be attending Phillip Moffitt’s Nine Bodies retreat (May 28-June 4) as part of my teacher training.
But the group will still meet and meditate (on Zoom), using Ajahn Sucitto’s Body Sweeping meditation. (This guided meditation is 32 minutes long with intermittent periods of silence. Click here to listen.)
Sucitto writes: “Body sweeping meditation encourages attention that gathers around an object. Rather than absorbing into phenomena, attention remains broad and open, like a loop.”
Email me here for the NEW Zoom link for DharmaTown’s Tuesday Night Insight Group, which meets every Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. The link will be good June through August.
I’ll be back to lead the group again on June 9.
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash