What is it about women that men find so disturbing?
Again, from this month’s DPP homework: ….even the Buddha’s radical move allowing women entrance into the sangha was predicated on their forgetting their sexual difference while following eight rules designed to make sure they never forgot the hierarchy between genders. (For example, the most senior, most accomplished, most perfectly practicing nun must still bow down to –and walk behind — even the youngest, newest, least disciplined monk. Simply because she has had the misfortune to be born into a female form.)
That’s just wrong.
But that’s how it is. To this very day! And not just in “backwards” parts of the world.
So what is it about women that men — and even some women! — find so disturbing/disgusting/dangerous?
OK. Not all men.
But still.
Is it because new life comes from inside our bodies? Because men feel powerless over their own sexual desires and so blame it on the evil, seductive powers of women?
I don’t get it.
(image from “Carnival Mask, Green, Violet, and Pink,” by Max Beckmann)