9 May
Posted in: Practice, Retreats
By    2 Comments


Stop. Take a breath. Observe. Proceed.

This is a cool little mindfulness practice I brought back from the retreat, thanks to Tempel Smith. At least once a day, I send a text to one of my dharma buddies that just says: STOP.

It stands for: Stop. Take a breath. Observe. Proceed.

And at least once a day, each of them sends the same text to me.

So, randomly, I get these little “pings” on my cell phone throughout the day, and I’m reminded to come back to the present moment and to notice what’s going on. It’s very sweet. Especially since I’m also reminded that someone I care about is thinking of me.


  • Please add me to your phone list on Monday night and I will do the same for you!

    • Will do!