May All Beings Be Free
I’ve been learning one of the Metta chants (the one that starts “imaya dhammanu“), which I love to sing in Pail, but I also read it aloud in English. Because it’s just so LOVEly!
By this practice, in accord with the Dharma, I honor the Buddha.
By this practice, in accord with the Dharma, I honor the Dharma.
By this practice, in accord with the Dharma, I honor the Sangha.
May I be free from animosity, free from oppression, free from trouble, may I know the grace of well-being.
May my parents, teachers, family, friends, and fellow dharma-travelers
All be free from animosity, free from oppression, free from trouble, and know the grace of well-being.
May all the practitioners in this place
All be free from animosity, free from oppression, free from trouble, and know the grace of well-being.
May our guardian spirits, in this temple,
In this dwelling, in this place; may the guardian spirits
All be free from animosity, free from oppression, free from trouble, and know the grace of well-being.
May all beings, all living beings, all creatures,
All individuals, all personalities,
All woman and female beings, all men and male beings, all noble ones, all wordily ones,
All spirits and gods, all humans and all those in misery,
All be free from animosity, free from oppression, free from trouble, and know the grace of well-being.
May all beings be free from suffering, enjoy safety and abundance, owners of their karma.
We offer the merit of our practice to all beings.
Sadha, sadhu, sadhu.