7 Apr
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Want a Taste?

just-a-tasteIt’s a rare opportunity to be able to attend a month-long retreat like I just did. What if you can’t get away for a month? Don’t worry! Most of the dharma talks from the retreat are available here. (20 talks in all.)

That’s a lot of talks, though, right?

Right. But you don’t have to listen to all of them. (Although taking the time to listening to them one every day would be a GREAT way to do it!)

If that’s not a possibility and you just want a taste…..try starting with Phillip Moffitt’s: Inquiry Into the Subtle Structure of the SatipatthanaHe says, “When examined closely through direct experience, the beautiful blueprint of the Satipatthana is revealed in subtlety and hidden dimensions.”

I’ve listened to that talk over and over.

It’s always delicious!

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