17 Jul
Posted in: Suttas, Travel
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Maybe Just One More

One more photo from Italy. This one I would have missed if not for a fellow traveler, who stopped and pointed, and so I looked up.

What other delights, I wonder, have I missed?

The Awakened

How joyful to look upon the awakened
And to keep company with the wise.

Follow then the shining ones,
The wise, the awakened, the loving,
For they know how to work and forbear.

But if you cannot find
Friend or master to go with you,
Travel on alone–
Like a king who has given away his kingdom,
Like an elephant in the forest.

If the traveler can find
A virtuous and wise companion
Let her go with them joyfully
And overcome the dangers of the way.
Follow them
As the moon follows the path of the stars. 

— from the Dhammapada, translated by Thomas Byron (pronoun edits by me)

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