5 Jul
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Just W. A. I. T.

I opened the July e-newsletter from Spirit Rock and was delighted to read an interview with Shahara Godfrey, who is a fellow student in the Dedicated Practitioner Program. The topic of the interview is Wise Speech and I love her answer to the question:

How do you practice Wise Speech?”

Shahara says, “Sylvia Boorstein has this phrase, an acronym, WAIT, for “Why Am I Talking?”  I always find it helpful because it is an example of taking the time to decide if I really need to talk right now.”

She continues, “I know because I have a tendency to talk a lot. I will ask myself, ‘Why am I talking or why do I need to say this?’ It really helps me pause and recognize there are other people who may need to speak who have not had the opportunity. I can step back and just WAIT. And it really feels good that I have taken a moment to reflect. And other times upon reflection, I still need to speak, but I have taken the time to figure it out.”

Thanks, Shahara…and Sylvia. I’m going to try it!

(image from “I Told You So,” by Daisy de Villeneuve)




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